Toolsbackup Software - Privacy Policy!

Our security system depicts how we gather, use, and deal with your own information.

Worried about Security? We are as well

Information We Collect

We at ToolsBackup regard your security and are focused on safeguarding it no matter what. Any data gathered by us during your buy won't be possible to sell, disseminate, or be leased to any external party. All the data given by you will be utilized for the sole reason of further developing your site insight, and giving you relevant data about our new software and services. We are concerned, very much like you, to safeguard the protection of your classified data overall quite well, dependent upon the arrangement of the state, public, and global regulations.

How We Use Your Information

  1. You can make a record by a.) Giving recognizable data like your name, email address, and telephone number, or b.) allowing us to get to other data about you through your different records like Google, Dropbox, or Slack.

  2. We gather your own data when you make a record with us. We will likewise look for your agreement to associate your Google account with the recently made Toolsbackup account and subsequently get sufficiently close to the data of your Google account, your records, and connections.

  3. "Individual Data" here implies any data that can be utilized to distinguish you specifically, including your contact, name, email address, telephone number, address, and other such exceptional data about you.

  4. Aside from gathering your own data, we will likewise gather some other significant data that incorporates a.) any exchanges that you perform on the site, b.) public data accessible via virtual entertainment, c.) your site visits, site clicks, and other comparative activities of the site, d.) specialized data, for example, program type, IP address, and access time.

  5. By utilizing or getting to our administrations, you consent to allow us to gather and utilize this data to work on your experience while utilizing our administrations. In addition, you consent to the way that we might duplicate your data and save it for an unknown measure of time.

Cookies and Tracking Technologies

  1. a.)To keep up with the site's facilitating and different expenses, we might run promotions later on, and in this manner, utilize your own data to show designated advertisements to you. We are settled in India and could need to share your data in or out of India with our colleagues, associates, or specialist co-ops all through the world.

  2. b.) We won't take part in unlawful infringement of security through selling, leasing, renting, or uncovering your delicate data. Aside from the reasons expressed here, your data won't be imparted to any outsider with next to no assent.
  3. c.) We might impart your data to organizations offering types of assistance for facilitating, handling, and conveyance of sends, client assistance, and Mastercard administration suppliers. The rethought organizations will get just the most pertinent data about you, in other words, the data that is expected to offer their types of assistance. They are not approved to utilize, sell, or disperse your data under any circumstance.
  4. d.) To work with online installments, we utilize an outsider installment processor (like PayPal, Stripe, and so on.). We neither store nor process your Mastercard or bank subtleties, and your data is all put away on their party's information base. To be familiar with the complexities of installment taking care of exhaustively.

Personal Information

We have utilized all the standard business security guards like SSL, 256-bit AES encryption, and firewalls to guarantee the well-being of our client's data set data. All things considered, no framework is resistant to security hacks with full confidence, and in this manner, we bear no moral obligation regarding any unplanned hole in your private data Simultaneously, you are answerable for protecting your record and secret word data. Furthermore, you additionally consent to the way that we are not responsible for the deficiency of any or all of your own data by outsider sites.