ToolsBackup Software - Terms and Conditions!

Our customer terms of service constitute a legal agreement between you and Tools, detailing how you can access and utilize the products and information provided by our website or through its products.

Terms and Conditions

Content Copyright

All content published on this website is the property of ToolsBackup and should not be disseminated without proper authorization. Unauthorized use may result in the removal of your website content and could lead to legal action against you.


To access our website, you must be 13 years or older. We adhere to the child policy restrictions set by Google, ensuring that we neither collect information from children below thirteen nor advertise to them.

User Communication

Communication, in this context, encompasses the exchange of information through various mediums such as chats, emails, forms, etc. By accessing our services, you confirm your agreement to receive communication from us through these channels. Electronic documents provided serve as valid replacements for any required hard copies.

Applicable Laws

You agree to adhere to the laws of the state. In the event of any conflict between you and ToolsBackup, the laws of the state will prevail. If such a conflict arises, we encourage you to first contact us with all your concerns.


Tools for Backup adheres to core business standards emphasizing "perfection" and "precision" throughout the entire process.